Thursday 27 August 2009

Silver Arownana

The average hobbyist will be satisfied with the younger specimens, but these will soon outgrow all but the largest of tanks. The Aquarium must be well covered as these fish can jump! While it obvious that you must provide plenty of open space for swimming it's also require places to hide, such as plant thickets or driftwood. The Water should be soft and the addition of peat filtration, or Tetras' "Black Water Extract" will benefit the fish. Temperature should be on the higher side with 77° f (25° C) being a happy medium. Feeding the Arowana is where the real challenge (or fun) comes in. The Arowana will eat only live food so you must find the right food for the size fish you have. Brine shrimp, baby Livebearers and the such for the small ones and moving all the way up to nightcrawlers and full size Goldfish. I have read that some small specimens have been trained to accept non live food. As with most of the Predators you will need a good filtration system to help with the clean up. I feel a Canister filter with the intake and outflow at opposite ends of the tank would be ideal. These are very interesting fish that seem to develop their own personality and to recognize their keeper and genuinely get excited about seeing them. Another Fact about the Arowana is that in their native habitat they are an important food resource for the native peoples. Given the proper tank size and conditions the Arowana would be a fine addition to a species tank that will provide years of pleasure and conversation.(

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