Firelegs Slings (For Sale) Slings= baby, size 1cm-2cm
These are incredibly gorgeous and docile beauties from southwestern Mexico.
They have fuzzy black femurs, bright red "knees" that fade and end at black feet, and orange carapaces.
They're not as common in the pet trade as some other Brachypelma species, but are just as hardy and long-lived as the ever popular.
Range: Southwestern Mexico, south of Colima
Habitat: Moderately dry earth
Size: Medium tarantula. Fully grown, they're about 5 1/2" to 5 3/4" in legspan.
Attitude: Usually very docile and slow-moving, but prone to occasional fits of hair flicking or skittishness.
Dwelling: Opportunistic burrowers that may use a provided shelter. Mine never uses her shelther and sits in the open with very little webbing.
Ideal Setup: A shallow, 3 to 5-gallon capacity enclosure with a thin layer of substrate, a shelter, and a water dish. Standard room humidity is fine. Keep the temp around 75-80 degrees F is possible.
Food: mealworms, super worms or crickets
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